Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 4 - A little rough patch

Last night was difficult. We don't know if she was colic or what it was. She was just fussy all night last night, and she didn't eat very much at all. The pediatrician said that she would be fine as long as she took even an ounce every 2-3 hours and even if we had to wake her up for it. Just to make sure she doesn't get dehydrated. She's been taking almost 3 ounces per feeding so it has me concerned. I will have to just wait and see how it goes. Grandma was able to get her to take 2 1/2 ounces earlier so maybe last night was just a fluke and because her tum tum was upset. She's asleep now. Though how she can sleep through the racket of me doing dishes and vacuuming and daddy banging on the floor in the bathroom ripping it out, I'll never know. LoL! Yet, here she sits. She doesn't suck her thumb either. She sucks her index finger, with her thumb under her chin and her other fingers on her nose. Her eyes are silver today. She's blessed with eyes that will change color dependent on what she's wearing. She can't seem to get comfortable and I just can't figure it out.

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