Friday, November 6, 2009

Doing so well.

My little girl is doing great. She's so beautiful. They changed her feeding schedule to every 4 hours now instead of just every 3 and she's eating 3 oz per feeding. Holy crap! That's a lot! I'm so tickled! I couldn't feed her today because they didn't tell me that they changed her feeding schedule, but I did get to hold her today and see that beautiful face. There is nothing more gorgeous than my little girls face when she's content. She looked up at me today and she's got her daddy's eyes. They're such a beautiful blue. She loves just being held and rocked. She talked today making little noises while I was talking to her and she smiled today too. Especially when I mentioned daddy. She grinned so big. Then I giggled, and then she smiled some more. And what's more, her MRSA test came back negative yesterday! That's so wonderful! I couldn't be more thrilled about that fact! She's healthy! And God she's so beautiful.

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