Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 2

Today is so much better. The first night I think was so bad because it was new for everyone involved. Things have definitely changed. Turtle is a major guard dog over her. Every time she even makes a noise he runs over and then looks at her then looks at me as if to say "Fix it Mama." and Symphony is scared she is going to break her. She looked at her when I put her in the little bouncy chair that I got from my baby shower (Which is coming in SO HANDY), then she sat down and looked up at me as of to say "Is it okay mama? Can I touch her?" I had to reassure her that she wouldn't break her and she gently got close enough to sniff. To which my daughters response of course was a little squeak. Poor Symphony backed up like she was scared to death and sat down looking up at me and asking me if she was okay again. I am sure once she gets used to Chance being home, it won't be a major deal and she won't be so scared she'll break. The room mate held her for the first time last night, as well as the grandparents on dads side last night. And her Godfather got to hold her for a bit last night as well. Every one of them looked like they were going to break her by looking at her. The bouncy chair has been THE BEST gift. It rocks, and then is also stationary. It has little elephants than hang down and the middle little hangy toy makes little music when you pull on it. It fascinates her. And when it is rocking, she is out. LoL!

She is a lot more contented today than she was yesterday. The first day was a MAJOR ADJUSTMENT for both of us but we ALL got sleep last night. Good sleep too. That's important. She grinned at me today. She loves to be held and loves being showered with kisses. That makes me smile. She's still so tiny. Tiny but Mighty. I love my little girl.

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