Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 3

Today is another good day. She slept really well last night. I'm starting to learn her quirks and my husband and I are in competition to see who can change a diaper the fastest. I'm currently in the lead (Wink*Wink). The bouncy chair is STILL the most useful thing I have. She cannot STAND to be alone in her crib during the day so there is no real quiet time for her, but she sleeps just as soundly with all the commotion going on (With the exception of when her Godfather accidentally kicks her bouncy chair...LoL!) as she would if she was in her crib in the room. She has to be around people. If not she is not happy. My little girl is already a social butterfly. And her eyes are the most beautiful color of blue you will ever see. She is 7 weeks now so I'm confident her eye color will not change any more. She has a little pink onsie on right now and it almost makes her eyes look violet. She's such a happy baby. The only time she really cries is when she's hungry. Then she is all about letting one of us know that she will NOT be denied. LoL! And I've started distinguishing her cries. She has one for hungry, one for dirty/wet and one for "Dammit mama...hold me!" I have also found that she is fine being held by someone as long as mama or daddy is around. And she is very about her grandma too. She loves to be cuddled and held. I remember when I first held her one of the nurses telling me that some babies don't like to be held. They said that it is that the mothers don't show them much affection in the womb. I couldn't imagine not rubbing my tummy when she was in there. Hell I've had her and I still instinctively at times want to reach down and rub my tummy. I just don't understand. She's so beautiful.

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