Thursday, December 31, 2009

Baby's First New Year

Happy New Year baby! Welcome to 2o1o! I love you!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Getting Stronger

My little girl is in a growth spurt. She's doing so well. Last night she took 9 oz in a 2 hour period! I couldn't believe it! LoL! And she is doing AMAZING! The muscles in her neck are developing really well and she is able to hold her head up for a bit longer each time. She loves sitting up and her eyes are so big and bright when she's looking around! She has the cutest damn faces any one baby ever could and I love it! She's staying awake longer too which is so awesome! I love seeing her looking around. She's so inquisitive. And I know she's over 8 lb's now. Not sure exactly how much, her next docs appt is a few weeks away, but I can just tell. She's so funny when she stretches out while waking up. She makes the cutest little noises. And every once in a while, she'll be talking and then just get real loud, for just a second. Not a cry but like a "HEY! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!" It's so funny. but she's doing famously. I'm so proud of her.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chance's First Christmas

This was my baby's first Christmas yesterday as well as a milestone 3 month mark! It was great! Her aunt and uncle spent the night Christmas Eve and helped her open up presents. Dinner was amazing too! Right down to the Easy Cheese mac and cheese! Yes...I said Easy Cheese. That is a whole story unto itself. However getting back to the point, it was nice to have every one here. I think since our place is big enough I'm going to suggest the holidays be at my house from now on. It was so much fun! And Squeaker loved being passed off from person to person all day! LoL! I'm glad everyone was here though, it was good. Her daddy got called out at work at around 11 in the morning and was out until 3 so thankfully, while he missed a couple of hours, he was able to open presents, and was home in time for dinner. Speaking of her daddy last night, it was so funny, I hadn't had my mid day nap that I take when she goes down for hers, so I was asleep on the Lazy-Boy by 8:30 last night! LoL! It was so funny! She on the other hand was wide awake. But daddy was able to help her out. Bless his heart. Knowing he had to get up way early for work this morning.

She of course was more interested in the wrappin paper than she was her presents. But what can you expect at 3 months old? LoL! She made out like a bandit yesterday with a whole bunch of clothes and things. I will have to say though, my favorite present that she got was a stuffed elephant that her grandma made for her. It's so cute!! And soft! It was knitted. Or crocheted. Or knitted. I dunno the diff between the two admittedly. Anyway, it was such a wonderful day yesterday. The only thing that could have made it better is if my mom and dad and family had been able to be here too. But it's okay, it was still a great first Christmas for her. I am excited to see how next Christmas will be for her when she's a bit older. We will have to see. :-)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Filed her nails today

Today I filed my little girls nails for the first time. Freaked me out of course. LoL! I was worried I'd do something wrong or hurt her finger, but I did good! LoL! I can definitely handle filing versus clipping. She's so beautiful. Sometimes we call her Maggie from the Simpsons because she will suck on her nuk really loud. Then she will try to talk while she's sucking and that makes this cute little noise. And the best is when I'm holding her and she's asleep, and I'm rocking her and talking to her, she makes this little noise as if answering me when she exhales. She's slowly grasping sucking her thumb too. It's so funny. I'm still a pro at diaper changing too! Including the poor diapers that look like Napalm hit them. Damn things didn't have a clue. LoL!

And bless her heart, she sneezes like her great grandpa. She can't ever just sneeze once. It's several. And she's so freakin cute when she sneezes! LoL! She's so beautiful!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Squeaker is doing great! I'm so excited she's doing as well as she has. She slept 6 hours last night! Of course, she was awake and crying for about 6 hours before then as well. LoL! But she's doing good. She's eating more and more every day. I am so excited about Christmas coming up. We are a bit late at getting the tree up, but with any luck we'll have it up this weekend. The cold has not affected her too much. My living room was built on concrete so it stays colder than the rest of the house, so we have a small heater that looks like a fire place. Its electric, and puts out pretty good heat, so she's doing good. I'm so proud of her. She's talking a little bit more and more every day and while today is an odd exception, she's staying awake more and more too. Anyway, just wanted to report. She's doing good, even when shes frustrating me when she cries for hours on end. LoL! I take it all in stride though. Even the rough times are good times. She is so special to me. I look at her and I just hope and pray that I am able to give her everything she needs, and some of what she wants. It's very important to me that she know the value of a dollar growing up.

When I grew up I learned that it wasn't the monitary expense that made something valuable. And I want her to know that same thing and those same values. She will know what it's like to work for a dollar too. In a good way. I want her to grow up being able to make a difference for the better in this society.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Doctors Appointment

She had her third doctors appointment today. She weighs 6 lbs 14 oz. I'm so tickled. She got a few shots as well poor thing and daddy had to go by himself. I went in and had a procedure done this morning and was really out of it. It's official as of now. Chance will be an only child. But that's okay. It would be irresponsible to both myself and another child if I tried to conceive again, and my husband and I did a lot of talking. If we decided we want to give her a little brother or sister, we could adopt just as easily. So there we are. And here she is. Doc gave her a clean bill of health. I'm so proud of her. She's growing like a weed. I'm so happy. She's such a blessing. Such a miracle.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

30 Days Home!!!

Today is a great day! She is having floor time for the first time today. She is so happy wiggling around making her little coos and awes. She is so cute. She loves to move around. She slept for 5 hours straight last night! Milestone! Of course I didn't sleep that well. I woke up around the 3 hour mark and it scared the snot out of me that she slept that long at first. Then it was relief. Her daddy made a good point this morning when he said that she was awake later than he was last night. So it makes sense.

She has outgrown her premie clothes. It's amazing how well she's doing. She's growing more and more and I'm very tickled to report that her muscles are getting stronger and stronger. She can lift her head up now and keep it up for a good amount of time. I'm so proud of my little girl. Speaking of...queue mama. Until later!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 28 - 4 weeks strong

It's been 4 weeks today that she's been home. She's sitting right now with her daddy and she's just as happy as a clam. She was looking at me and I started to wave from across the room and she just grinned! It was so awesome! She is staying awake for so much longer now and she just loves to coo. She talks all day. Got a call from the state today. Apparently because she was premie, she will be eligible for state insurance as a secondary to cover co-pays and what not. I am so thankful for that. That will help out so much! She is coming into her own personality. I love it!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 27 - Internet down

Internet has been down for the last few days. Finally able to get on here. The last few days has been interesting. Not bad, just interesting. I'm no longer able to breast feed, but it's okay. I'm at the point now that she got the major antibodies from me so hopefully it was enough of a jump start that she will benefit from it. She's so beautiful. She's eating more and more and I'm so happy about that. I know she's gained weight. And she's so funny when she cries. I can tell when she's hungry and when she's wet. She's out of her premie clothes and starting to fit into the New Born clothes now. She's growing so much! And her Great Aunt S got her the first Christmas outfit. It's way too cute and I can't wait to dress her in it. It may be still a bit big, but there's no tellin. I'm sure she'll grow a whole bunch in the next couple of weeks. She's got the most beautiful smile and boy does she love her daddy. Last night when he got home he looked down at her in her bouncy chair and she just smiled at him. She was all about her daddy. It was so great. Those are the moments that just make me feel so blessed.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 23...3 weeks strong

We've been doing pretty good lately. Getting over this stuffy crap and Squeaker has been doing great considering. Trying to get into the swing of things has not been the easiest, and granted I've been a little slow to the draw on some things, part of that being the fact that I was sick. Life is good. I look into her eyes and she is my reason to live. I've been told I need to find myself again. I think that she is going to be the one to help me do it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 21...Still doing good but all sick.

So my husband came home with something and the whole lot of us got it. Me, him, the room mate, and even Squeaker. She's thankfully not doing too bad with it and I'm sure it's because she got her RSV vaccination. But you can still see that she just does not feel good bless her little heart. Last night we experienced projectile bodily functions. That was an experience I'm sure I'll experience in the future but honestly if I never did deal with that again, it would be too soon. LoL! But she's doing good. We're settling into a routine. We wake up in the morning and we have at least a half hour of cuddle time before my arm starts to fall off. Then we play for about another half hour the I get to work on the house while she naps. When she eats she will fall asleep about half way through. I have to wake her up by doing a diaper change. LoL! Then she gets mad enough and awake enough to finish her bottle. LoL! I'm still a bit lost with my mama not being here, but it's getting better. (Just like she said it would.). Well, Squeaker is squeakin so I need to get to her. Until later.