Thursday, December 17, 2009


Squeaker is doing great! I'm so excited she's doing as well as she has. She slept 6 hours last night! Of course, she was awake and crying for about 6 hours before then as well. LoL! But she's doing good. She's eating more and more every day. I am so excited about Christmas coming up. We are a bit late at getting the tree up, but with any luck we'll have it up this weekend. The cold has not affected her too much. My living room was built on concrete so it stays colder than the rest of the house, so we have a small heater that looks like a fire place. Its electric, and puts out pretty good heat, so she's doing good. I'm so proud of her. She's talking a little bit more and more every day and while today is an odd exception, she's staying awake more and more too. Anyway, just wanted to report. She's doing good, even when shes frustrating me when she cries for hours on end. LoL! I take it all in stride though. Even the rough times are good times. She is so special to me. I look at her and I just hope and pray that I am able to give her everything she needs, and some of what she wants. It's very important to me that she know the value of a dollar growing up.

When I grew up I learned that it wasn't the monitary expense that made something valuable. And I want her to know that same thing and those same values. She will know what it's like to work for a dollar too. In a good way. I want her to grow up being able to make a difference for the better in this society.

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