Saturday, December 12, 2009

30 Days Home!!!

Today is a great day! She is having floor time for the first time today. She is so happy wiggling around making her little coos and awes. She is so cute. She loves to move around. She slept for 5 hours straight last night! Milestone! Of course I didn't sleep that well. I woke up around the 3 hour mark and it scared the snot out of me that she slept that long at first. Then it was relief. Her daddy made a good point this morning when he said that she was awake later than he was last night. So it makes sense.

She has outgrown her premie clothes. It's amazing how well she's doing. She's growing more and more and I'm very tickled to report that her muscles are getting stronger and stronger. She can lift her head up now and keep it up for a good amount of time. I'm so proud of my little girl. Speaking of...queue mama. Until later!!!

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