Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 27 - Internet down

Internet has been down for the last few days. Finally able to get on here. The last few days has been interesting. Not bad, just interesting. I'm no longer able to breast feed, but it's okay. I'm at the point now that she got the major antibodies from me so hopefully it was enough of a jump start that she will benefit from it. She's so beautiful. She's eating more and more and I'm so happy about that. I know she's gained weight. And she's so funny when she cries. I can tell when she's hungry and when she's wet. She's out of her premie clothes and starting to fit into the New Born clothes now. She's growing so much! And her Great Aunt S got her the first Christmas outfit. It's way too cute and I can't wait to dress her in it. It may be still a bit big, but there's no tellin. I'm sure she'll grow a whole bunch in the next couple of weeks. She's got the most beautiful smile and boy does she love her daddy. Last night when he got home he looked down at her in her bouncy chair and she just smiled at him. She was all about her daddy. It was so great. Those are the moments that just make me feel so blessed.

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