Monday, December 14, 2009

Doctors Appointment

She had her third doctors appointment today. She weighs 6 lbs 14 oz. I'm so tickled. She got a few shots as well poor thing and daddy had to go by himself. I went in and had a procedure done this morning and was really out of it. It's official as of now. Chance will be an only child. But that's okay. It would be irresponsible to both myself and another child if I tried to conceive again, and my husband and I did a lot of talking. If we decided we want to give her a little brother or sister, we could adopt just as easily. So there we are. And here she is. Doc gave her a clean bill of health. I'm so proud of her. She's growing like a weed. I'm so happy. She's such a blessing. Such a miracle.

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