Monday, December 21, 2009

Filed her nails today

Today I filed my little girls nails for the first time. Freaked me out of course. LoL! I was worried I'd do something wrong or hurt her finger, but I did good! LoL! I can definitely handle filing versus clipping. She's so beautiful. Sometimes we call her Maggie from the Simpsons because she will suck on her nuk really loud. Then she will try to talk while she's sucking and that makes this cute little noise. And the best is when I'm holding her and she's asleep, and I'm rocking her and talking to her, she makes this little noise as if answering me when she exhales. She's slowly grasping sucking her thumb too. It's so funny. I'm still a pro at diaper changing too! Including the poor diapers that look like Napalm hit them. Damn things didn't have a clue. LoL!

And bless her heart, she sneezes like her great grandpa. She can't ever just sneeze once. It's several. And she's so freakin cute when she sneezes! LoL! She's so beautiful!

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