Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chance's First Christmas

This was my baby's first Christmas yesterday as well as a milestone 3 month mark! It was great! Her aunt and uncle spent the night Christmas Eve and helped her open up presents. Dinner was amazing too! Right down to the Easy Cheese mac and cheese! Yes...I said Easy Cheese. That is a whole story unto itself. However getting back to the point, it was nice to have every one here. I think since our place is big enough I'm going to suggest the holidays be at my house from now on. It was so much fun! And Squeaker loved being passed off from person to person all day! LoL! I'm glad everyone was here though, it was good. Her daddy got called out at work at around 11 in the morning and was out until 3 so thankfully, while he missed a couple of hours, he was able to open presents, and was home in time for dinner. Speaking of her daddy last night, it was so funny, I hadn't had my mid day nap that I take when she goes down for hers, so I was asleep on the Lazy-Boy by 8:30 last night! LoL! It was so funny! She on the other hand was wide awake. But daddy was able to help her out. Bless his heart. Knowing he had to get up way early for work this morning.

She of course was more interested in the wrappin paper than she was her presents. But what can you expect at 3 months old? LoL! She made out like a bandit yesterday with a whole bunch of clothes and things. I will have to say though, my favorite present that she got was a stuffed elephant that her grandma made for her. It's so cute!! And soft! It was knitted. Or crocheted. Or knitted. I dunno the diff between the two admittedly. Anyway, it was such a wonderful day yesterday. The only thing that could have made it better is if my mom and dad and family had been able to be here too. But it's okay, it was still a great first Christmas for her. I am excited to see how next Christmas will be for her when she's a bit older. We will have to see. :-)

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