Wednesday, October 14, 2009

10 More Grams!!!

Got to see my Squeaker tonight. Got to hold her for a bit. She seems to love watching everything around her. Her eyes are so beautiful. She was very awake tonight and oh my goodness did she squirm. She was also rooting around looking to latch on tonight. They said that was DEFINITELY a good sign and they were happy about it on the floor. I couldn't help but smile. And boy does she get fussy at feeding time. When she's hungry, she is NOT afraid to let you know about it! LoL! It's so great! And I've come to the determination that I am the one that gives her the hiccups. I don't know how, and I don't know why, but every time I hold her she gets the hiccups bless her little heart. Such are the perils of mommyhood. Poor tyke. She's so far gotten her veins from her daddy (Thank God for that!), she's got her mama's sense of patience (NONE!), and when she sleeps, she sticks one foot out of he covers. Just like both mama and daddy. LoL! I love my Squeaker so much. Life is so amazing with her in it.

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