Friday, October 2, 2009


I got to hold my daughter for the first time today. They call it Kangaroo Care. There are no words in this world to express the feeling of your baby laying on you for the first time. I never knew I could love something so much as I do my little girl. She's doing so good. They are upping her feedings to 15 ML's and they said once she is established at that amount, they will be able to remove the IV fluids completely. I cannot even express the joy that fills my heart to know that. Seeing her today was amazing. She's still so tiny. The nurse said that some babies don't like being held by their mothers. It shocked and amazed me. My little girl ... not wanting to be held by me? I thank God that was not the case.

They call it Kangaroo Care at the hospital. It's where the mom or dad rests the baby on their chest, skin on skin. And doing that allows bonding with the baby and the respective parent, and they are able to be held for up to an hour like that out of the incubator. I cried. I was the Trevvy Fountain for the first 10 minutes. There were no words at all to describe the feeling. There still are no words. My heart is so full, it hurts. I look at my little girl and I smile. I could just about cry. I do cry. I couldn't imagine life without her, and she is 7 days old! They did say earlier today that after about a week, she should start putting on the weight pretty consistantly. She's a week today. My husband laughs at me because I told her today that I'm doing my job making milk, now it's up to her to do her job and put on weight. My husband says that she will have an amazing work ethic way early in life. I have to laugh myself but I look down at her sweet face, and I kiss her head and I can do nothing but cry again. Tears of joy, tears of love. I tell ya, when she gets home, I'm likely to never put her down. I told her earlier today though that as much as she will surely be spoiled, I will test that butt if she needs it. Though at this moment, I dunno if she will ever do wrong in my eyes. Time will tell I'm sure. Anyway, that's all for now. I will call later tonight and see if she gained any weight today. I'm sure I will report more when I know. Until then...

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