Friday, October 16, 2009

Gain Baby Gain!!!!

Today has been a great day! I got to see my daughter, I got to give her a massage on her legs and they said that she loves to be touched which is great! They said that a lot of babies don't like being touched because their nervous system still hadn't developed completely and it can hurt them, but she loves it! She absolutely loved it! I am so tickled. Then I got to hold her and talk to her nurse. First she informed me that she tested negative for blood in her stool today. First one in 4 days! Oh and then...then, (tee hee), she gained 90 grams today! 3 whole ounces! My little girl is getting bigger! She's 2 lb 14 oz now! I'm so tickled! The nurse said she had to weigh her twice! *Side note, since I'm on the subject of nurses, I want to shout out to my high risk peoples! Ya'll are the bomb diggety! Love ya'll and miss ya! You were outstanding!*

Anyway, life is good today. I'm so proud of my little girl. It's an amazing feeling motherhood. Even in the good things and the bad. It's true that the bad times DEFINITELY make you appreciate the good. It's the little things in life, like gaining 3 ounces in 1 day, that makes life worth while.

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