Friday, October 9, 2009

2 weeks old today

Wow it has been 2 weeks already. I've had no concept of time in the last 2 weeks except to know that every other day I get to go to the hospital and see my angel. I have moments when it seems like she was just born yesterday and then others when I'm shocked at the fact that she's 14 days old today, and it's only been 14 days since she's been born. My little squeaker.

My husband asks me about the pain and I mean, I feel it, I feel it every time I go to wash my hands and I scrub over the spot where my IV was in my wrist and it hurts and is so sore and achy. I feel it every time I got to bend over and I feel it where I had the c-section, or every time I throw my legs over the bed and it stretches just a tiny bit. But then I look at her tiny face, and I see those gorgeous eyes of hers, bright and full of life, and none of it matters. None of the pain matters. It's there, but I'd gladly take it. Because I know that it's there, because she's here. And it's so worth it. Life is so precious. I thank God every day because she's here. I can't wait until she comes home. It's so hard sometimes to take it one day at a time but I have to, because I know that every one day is a step closer and is such a blessing.

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