Monday, October 12, 2009

Ok Really!?

So I'm on my way up to see my daughter this morning. Now she's been dealing with this bloody stool thing. When I called last night she'd also had a bout with Apnea which is normal, but she quits breathing for a few seconds and then starts back up. Then again today she had one. And she's also remained the same weight meaning it's good that she hasn't lost any, but she also hasn't gained any either.

Anyway, on the way to the hospital this morning, I get this small pain in my chest. Feels like I have a rock sitting on my stomach. Nothing major, indigestion. And then I couldn't breathe. Then it got a little scary. I couldn't catch my breath and the pain started radiating. So off to the hospital I go. We're close to one anyway, (Not the one that my daughter is at unfortunately) so we go to the one we're closest to, they run me in and start doing tests including a CT scan and blood tests and everything else and find after 6 hours of tests that I have a Hiatal Hernia. Yay me huh? At least it's just a hernia and nothing major. That's what I'm thankful of. But we got out of there and I was able to make it up to see my shining star. My Squeaker.

She's doing good. Bright eyed. The world is hers for the taking. I will call in a few minutes and find out what she weighed and hope and pray that she's gained some weight. Because last night she didn't gain any and the night before that she lost. Please God let her have gained some weight today. And let this just be an issue that can be hurdled quickly and she will be on her way to speedy weight gain and home in no time.

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