Monday, October 26, 2009

Big day yesterday

She was a month old yesterday! I know I didn't blog yesterday, just had a whole lot going on. And the saga continues on in my life. She's still non-symptomatic of the MRSA which is a great thing. She is up to 3 lb's 6 oz now and is doing so well. I can't help but brag. I can put clothes on her now. I have some really cute premie clothes from her great aunt, but I'm scared to take them to the hospital in the event that they come up missing. Not saying that it would happen, just saying that it could, and the posibility is enough that I want to take up some onsies that I don't care if anything happens to them, and save the cute ones for when she comes home. I got to hold her again today. It was so amazing! I can see why parents can just watch their babies sleep all night. It was the most peaceful thing holding her and watching her sleep today. She's so beautiful. She's so tiny. Wow. I never knew I could feel like this.

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