Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What's going on?

I'm so frustrated. It's hard enough being a new mother, then throw in your child being in the NICU and then something going on with her. Now I've dealt with a lot of things so far. It's been interesting but not all bad, despite the set backs. So I'm told that there is still blood in her stool. Now this is going on day 4 of blood in her stool. And no one seems to know why it's there. She's eating fine, she's not fussy and the X-Rays are normal so that leaves it to an intolerance in her food or diaper rash. Or something that they can't find. And at this point what I need to do is just wait. Then, they proceed to inform me that they're dropping her food to 22 ML's instead of the 24 they have her on now, but no one can tell me why? Really? You're going to tell a mother this!? A first time mother!? No! This is unacceptable. You do NOT just tell me that my daughter has blood in her stool and then follow it up with no one knows why. I still don't know anything. I'm not doing very well with this information at all. This is MY CHILD! YOU DO NOT JUST TELL ME THAT SHE STILL HAS BLOODY STOOLS AND ALL WE CAN DO IS WAIT AND SEE WHAT'S GOING ON! AS HER MOTHER IT IS MY JOB TO WORRY ABOUT THIS KIND OF STUFF AND YOU CANNOT JUST CONTINUE TO TELL ME THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HER. SHE IS IN THE NICU. THE FACT THAT THERE IS BLEEDING MEANS THAT SOMETHING IS GOING ON. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE THAT YOU AS THE HOSPITAL AND NEONATAL ICU DOCTOR DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS AND I REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT!

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