Thursday, October 22, 2009

Another ounce!

My little girl gained another ounce today! She's now 3 lbs 2 oz! The nurse said that after 95 more grams she will be able to wear clothes! I'm so excited! Until I realize I have no premie clothes for her to wear! Holy crap! LoL! Oh well. I don't even care. I just know that it means that she will be coming home soon! The daytime nurse said today they upped her bottle feedings to 3 times a day. She said that she seemed to do okay with it but she was a tuckered out little girl trying to take a feeding in the middle of the day today. LoL! Bless her little heart. It takes a lot to take a bottle. I am going shopping for some clothes for my little girl to take to the hospital for when she gets big enough! Eke!

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