Sunday, October 4, 2009

Man it's a long drive.

Going up to see my little girl in a bit. I've got to leave here so early in order to make it on time for feeding. That is the only time that they will allow the Kangaroo Care so I have to be there at a certain time, and I'm not going to chance that one. They say it's because babies need as much sleep as they can and they need to be left alone as much as possible so as long as she's warm enough and it's feeding time, I can hold her. It makes sense. It sucks, but it makes sense. I also need to make sure I get up there and get my milk to her.

Man let me tell you, healing is rough! I have my good days and my bad days with the pain. Today is a bad day. All I can say is if it wasn't for my mama being here, I'd be in a world of hurt right now. And oh my gosh! On a side note...I just got a freaking spider out of my coffee cup. A SPIDER!? EEEEEWWWWWW GRODY! I mean really!? Anyway. I'm off to see my baby girl. Until later!

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