Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My smile

Ok really folks, I'm so glad I got to see my smile today. If I hadn't I'd be pulling my hair out right now! I only got to hold her for 30 minutes today because she was under the light, but she was so precious today. Like she's not precious every day. Hah! I got video of her with the hiccups. Oh my gosh, she squeaked, she looked so cute. Bless her little heart. She had them big time. It was pitiful. Anyway, she's my whole world. Then I got into the ever fateful time quandry, I'm wishing it would pass fast so that she could hurry up and come home, and soon enough I'm going to be wishing she would stop. Then of course I bawled my eyes out. LoL!

But such is life right!? Anyway, the home front .... oh my goodness, don't even get me started! Lets see, the septic tank needs to be replaced completely because the old one which is 20+ yrs old has settled and sheered off the escape pipe to the back end of the tank leading to the leech bed. Good times right!? Water company is out fixing our water on top of that. UGH! Good times.

But I can't complain. Because stuff is stuff on the home front, and it can be fixed and replaced. The important thing is that my daughter is doing good. She's growing more and more every day and I'm so excited every day I can hold her. She's more and more awake and the nurse said they are trying to incorperate her nuk-nuk with feeding time and she seems to be taking to it really well. That's the important things in life. And that, is going good. That is all I can ask for.

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