Monday, October 19, 2009

Going to the bottle.

I got to hold and feed my little girl today, out of a bottle! It was amazing! I was scared stupid. The nurse told me I was okay to be nervous but she was just fine. One of the neonatologists was up there and she told me that she was doing great and that she actually was going to try the fortifier again too so that she will gain more weight quicker. They want her to come home as quickly as possible. It was amazing feeding her today. She did so well. It only took 8 minutes for her to finish the bottle. Then she slept so soundly today. She's so beautiful when she sleeps. Hell what am I sayin? She's beautiful all the time. Not just when she's asleep. But when she sleeps, she's so peaceful. So content. Full belly is a great thing when you're a baby. That's what it's all about. LoL! I am hoping she gained some weight today. I will call and find out soon. Until then...

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