Sunday, October 11, 2009

Trying to remain positive

Just called to check on my little girl for the afternoon. This morning they reported that it was all good and that she was doing great, bright eyed looking out at the world. This afternoon I call to check again and they tell me that they found a little bit of blood in her stool this morning. They said that there were a number of things that could cause this including one being the diaper rash she has a touch of. They did an X-Ray of her stomach and didn't find anything, and they also said she's not fussy or anything and she's tolerating her feedings well so they suspect it's just the diaper rash but dang...they suspect? They're not for sure. All they can do is wait. I don't like just waiting. This is awful. Please just pray that my little girl is alright and that it's not anything serious and that it is just the diaper rash. Please just let it be diaper rash.

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