Saturday, October 24, 2009

Needing prayers...

My little girl has tested positive for MRSA. It's antibiotic resistant staph. Right now it's on her skin only but she is in isolation and will be until she comes home. This is also something that she will have for the rest of her life. MRSA is also very contagious. I'm allowed to hold her, but no Kangaroo Care any longer. I have to scrub up, then I have to use a special gown that has long sleeves then I have to put gloves on. I can't even touch my little girl. I want her home so bad. She is not symptomatic of the Staph thank GOD! I'm praying that she is not going to become symptomatic and that she will be able to come home with no complications at all. If she does not become symptomatic then it means that she is just a carrier of MRSA and not affected by it at the moment. My major hope is that she is just a carrier and that this does not get into her bloodstream. I can only pray.

She lost 15 grams today but is still 3 lb's 4 oz and the nurse said that was okay for her to lose like that, she will have nights that she will do that. And tonight, she snored. She sounded just like her daddy. I told the nurse tonight, if I hadn't carried her for 7 1/2 months, I'd never know she was mine! LoL!

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