Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gain that weight baby girl!!!!

Last night she gained 30 grams! Tonight she gained 10! She's up to 2 lbs 10 oz! She's still testing positive, however my aunt is a nurse and she gets a nurses magazine every month and the one she was reading was talking about the test that they use to determine if there is blood in my little girls stool, is 70% inaccurate. Now that makes me wonder. With all the positive and negative readings they've been having with her, how much of that is correct? I'm not saying I don't have cause for worry, but how much cause do I really have to worry? Is all of it unfounded? I don't know. And I HATE not knowing. Especially when it comes to my daughter. Anyway, she's well tonight, and the doctor is supposed to call me in the morning so that I can ask him my questions and see what happens from here. Only time will tell and all I can do is pray that God keep his hands over my little girl and gives me patience to tolerate these ups and downs. I can't wait to bring my little girl home.

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